How to Tell the Difference between the Satirical and the Serious

Seriousness is associated with addressing distortions of information.

Satire is associated with identifying truth when seriousness fails to do so.

The human mind tends to perceive things inaccurately, even when a situation is seriously dangerous.

One of the most serious problems facing humanity is that some people aggressively claim their own perceptions are the facts when the truth clearly indicates otherwise.

No amount of evidence will convince the deluded that their own beliefs and opinions do not match the truth.  The only effective method for overcoming delusions relatively safely is through satire.

The most effective satire is subtle.  It gently guides minds towards better reasoning.  It may even been amusing to relatively reasonable people.

Reason without wit is sterile.  Wit without reason is nonsense.

Satire embroiders the nonsensical into the truthful for benevolent purposes.

How do you tell when the apparently serious is actually nonsensical?

How do you tell when apparent facts are deliberate distortions, possibly expressed for malevolent purposes?

How do you tell when someone has good intentions, even when quite muddled?

What do you know about conspiracy movements?

What do you know about ideologies and other rigid systems of beliefs?

What do you know about authoritarian practices?

How do you distinguish between your personal interests and your political responsibilities?

How do you distinguish between mental illnesses and relatively normal responses to situations?

What have you already discovered about Trickery Today, and how?

If you are unable to distinguish clearly between the satirical and the serious, you may be mentally unwell, or you may lack intelligence, or you may be immature, or you may have consumed too much propaganda, too much gossip, and/or too much sensationalism.

Many people have been duped into believing that freedom is associated with democracy.  Freedom is, in fact, associated with wealth.

Freedom is a power.

Wealth is a power.

Democracy is not a power.  It is a deception.  It dupes voters into believing they have freedom.  It may even dupe them into believing they have wealth.

You currently only have access to this temporarily public level of Trickery Today because you have access to a magical library in a virtual cottage in the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter.

You may already be aware that there have never been any real, actual, tangible, physical items to purchase from the Adelaidezone, whether through the transfer of money from one person or organisation to another, or in any other way. 
There have been quite a few fictional products offered satirically from the Adelaidezone, though never dishonestly.

Perhaps you are seeking to purchase an authenticated imperial crown and all the traditional rights, responsibilities and entitlements associated with it.

Wealth is associated with law.

Justice is associated with virtue.

Apparent seriousness may or may not be an indication of genuine feelings.

Satire may be associated with a desire for justice.  It may also be associated with a desire for revenge and/or wealth and/or amusement.

Political power may be associated with awkwardness and/or reluctance and/or incompetence and/or corruption.  It is rarely associated with adequate virtue, adequate knowledge, adequate reasoning and adequate seriousness.

What have you been discovering in the magical library about investing in amazingly successful planning?

Regardless of how much education they have experienced, most people unfortunately continue to associate success with the influence of magic and/or other supernatural powers.

If you are not one of those people, you are rather unusual.  You may even be an enlightened world leader. 

Few enlightened leaders have ever been in charge of empires of any sort, or even little governments or little businesses or political parties of various sizes.

How do you tell whether a leader is enlightened or not?

What is your preferred approach to investing in better governments?

What is your preferred approach to investing in awareness more generally?

Queen Adelaide is ethereally to be found, from time to time, in the sitting room of Frugality Cottage, sipping tea, dunking financiers  and commenting very seriously indeed on your interpretations of the world and its problems.

Do you have an acquaintance with financiers of any sort?

What have you been financing, directly and indirectly, and how, and why?

Who have you been financing, directly and indirectly, and how, and why?

How seriously do you acknowledge the mission ahead of you as established through the Council of Enlightenment in accordance with the objectives of the Spirit of Enlightenment? 

How seriously have you been investing in purposeful reviews, and why?

How do you define seriousness in various situations?

How do you define satire?

Perhaps you associate it mainly with comedy rather than morality. 

Perhaps you associated seriousness with solemnity and possibly even with with unhappiness.

Perhaps you associate extravagance with unhappiness.

Formal organisations of relative credibility only really exist to achieve the goals that we, as individuals, cannot achieve on our own.

Even informal groups, including family groups, exist for the achievement of stated and/or unstated goals, primarily those associated with survival.

As the deeply serious concerns of experts associated with the IPCC, WHO and UNESCO are ignored by the buffoonish political nincompoops in power at the level of nation states, what are you doing to address the situation?

When even the most well-informed and serious scientists associated with various, relatively reputable international research organisations are ignored by political nincompoops, who does improve situations, and how?

Seriousness is associated with standards.  Science is associated with the objective measurement of phenomena.  Satire is associated with the creative communication of societal problems.

The purpose of democracy is to prevent political corruption.  When democracy fails to do its job, many people feel powerless.

How do you attempt to ensure you do not misjudge intentions?
