About Us

If you are curious about the sources of the important information you have already received here, and from here, you are likely to wish to know something important about us.

Who are we?

Who are you?

Why should you trust us?

Why should we trust you?

Many resources are necessary for the tasks and goals we wish to pursue.  

Perhaps you have a desire to help.  

Whether you have the ability to do so to the standard we expect is another matter entirely.

We really have no interest in telling you more about ourselves unless you can prove you have a right to such privileged information.

We are aware that keeping a low public profile is necessary for any credible investigator. 

Perhaps you regard yourself as such a person.

You may or may not define political pleasantness as we do.

We would much rather you disagree with us and have a valid reason for doing so than agree with us without stating why.

Groupthink is always distasteful.

How have you responded to our welcome, intellectually, emotionally and financially?

We support enlightened patronage.

We require your enlightened patronage if we are to do our work well.

Perhaps you can prove to us that your values align with necessary ethics.

Ours certainly do.

How do you support the real servants of democracy, such as ourselves?

We hope our research and reporting assists your efforts.

We know that pleasant politics is not a game.

We know that unpleasant politics is not really democratic.

We know that paying for public interest journalism is something most people would prefer to avoid.

We also know that most people cannot really afford to pay for it in financial terms though they certainly pay the price of its absence in political terms.

If you intend to express your generosity towards us in the form of a gift, we hope you will do so as an indication of your charitable practices, and your philanthropy.

We have received highly advanced guidance, through the International Training Centre for the Harmonious Interplay of Beauty, Understanding and Magnificence, with support provided through the world's most respectable endowment fund.

In whichever location you currently exist, and whatever your citizenship, or lack of one, we hope you appreciate the progress we are making through Trickery Today.

If you are still seeking to learn more about us, and you are an Australian citizen, are you also a member of the Australian Political Reform Club?

If you are intending to promote our work, why do you have that intention?

How do you know your intended practices are compatible with our ethics, and with our desires for privacy and self-preservation?
